
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Have You Ever Seen the Rain...bow?

I have currently been reading in the book of Genesis and I have come across the story of Noah.  I love this part of history! But before I can tell you about Noah, you must read where it all began.

Genesis 1:1 says "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."  God created Adam, and Eve for Adam to, as the Bible puts it so delicately, "be fruitful and multiply."  Everything was perfect in the Garden of Eden until Eve was tempted by the Serpent and gave into temptation and then offered it to Adam.  So the pair get kicked out of the Garden of Eden and sin is born.  

Let's move ahead to chapter 6.  Sons and daughters of man are born, and the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were beautiful.  Some say that the sons of God are angels, non-human; but they came into human form.  Basically they were "fruitful and multiplied" with the daughters of man.  This made God very angry because procreation was meant for humans.  God said that He would destroy the earth and every living thing that He had created and regretted that He did create it.  However, God saw favor in Noah.

Noah was a great, godly, faithful man.  God told Noah to build an ark because He was going to send a great flood to earth and destroy everything except Noah, his family and 2 of every creature (and a few more for sacrifices and food) to repopulate the earth later. So now there's water every where covering even the highest mountains.  Now we all know that it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, but did you know that the waters stayed on the earth for another 150 days? It's true.  Read it in Genesis 7 about the great flood.  

Chapter 9 is where I start to feel a tugging on my heart every time.  God made a covenant with Noah that He would never send a flood again or destroy the earth in the matter that He had done ever again.  As a symbol of this covenant, God made a rainbow in the clouds.  So, now whenever it rains, a rainbow is seen in the sky as a reminder of God's promise! How amazing is that!  God is so awesome in His love for us!  I hope the next time you see a rainbow, you think about God and His loving mercy!

Keep the faith!

Jennifer Nicole

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